Blog Hop and Cutting Cafe Sponsored Blog Candy

Happy Bitten by the Bug Monday! This week the design team challenge at Bitten by the Bug is sponsored by the Cutting Cafe, who is also sponsoring a blog hop giveaway!!! We were each challenged to use a different printable stamp provided by the Cutting Cafe to complete our project, along with a frame from the Storybook cartridge. As you can see, I used the flip flop printable stamp. And what fun I had with this awesome printable flip flop!!

I printed the flip onto white card stock and this pretty aqua print paper. I then sewed the layers together to create the stitched shoe feel and added the frame as the tag of the shoe. I also sewed on the flip flop strap, then blinged out my little shoe with ribbon, flowers and gems.

So did I mention the Bitten by the Bug team is hosting a BLOG HOP and BLOG CANDY at each designer's blog?? I thought I might have said something about that! The Blog Candy is being provided by the Cutting Cafe, so be sure to leave comment below to be registered to receive this awesome flip flop printable stamp.

You next stop on the blog hop will take you to Dianne's Blog, Just Mousin' Around. DeeDee always has awesome projects so I know you are excited to be on your way!!!


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