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Memorial Day

As those of you who have been reading for a while know, E had two deployments, one to Iraq and one to Afghanistan, while serving on Active Duty in the military. On a day like today, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have him home with me, and I think of those who didn't come back.

Memorial Day often feels like any other federal holiday, a day for family, friends and relaxation, but I believe it is important to also take a moment to reflect on the reason for this day.

The following video, of country artist Trace Adkins performing "Til the Last Shot's Fired" with the West Point Glee Club, seems a fitting song for a day of remembrance. For those of you who aren't fans of country music, surely this song will sum up your feelings and impressions about the genre, but, I dare you to listen through to around minute mark 3:35 when the Glee Club joins in the song and see if there isn't at least the slightest pull on your heartstrings.

And, as you listen, like the soldier who introduces the performance says, remember, "It's not about the war, it's about the warrior."

Performances of this version of the song are available on iTunes. Net proceeds benefit the Wounded Warrior Project.

Wishing you all a peaceful Memorial Day shared with the ones you loved.


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