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Sweet Melissa Sundays - Not Just Any Cherry Pie

I have been crazy busy planting flowering trees and looking forward to the sunshine filled weekends so the idea of staying inside and baking a pie was "really" hard to do. Michelle with the blog: Flourchild picked this week's dessert: Sour Cherry Pie with Pistachio Crumble. You will find the recipe in Sweet Melissa's Baking Book and at Michelle's blog. Michelle, if you are reading this, I would never go without making sure to bake the recipe when you chose it. You are one of the sweetest and giving people I know and we have only met and talked through blog messages and grouprecipe emails.

I did not have pistachios so I used hazelnuts as a replacement. My family and I are just now finding out we are not a huge pie cherry fan but pie cherries, grandparents, and love of tradition go back further then personal taste buds. I have spent many afternoons picking pie cherries from friend's trees that are falling to the ground or being eaten by birds. Do you have any idea how much frozen pie cherries cost? Outrageous! So, whenever grandma needed pie cherries, I have always been her go to granddaughter. The pie picking episodes are only 1 day long, but what a long day. 5-gallon buckets, and buckets are plural here, get picked, de-pitted, and put up into freezer bags by weight. I really do not like pitting cherries anymore but I do still look for anyone willing to let me pick free pie cherries. Grandma may not be here with me in person to enjoy the pies but I love to bake and give pies away, so the whole process works!

My fingers are about ready to fall off from typing like a mad person. This morning I learned, for the first time, how to make espresso with my new Delonghi espresso/cappuccino maker type EC155. I am not a coffee person and I am admitting out loud here that the espresso maker was purchased so I could make my own double shots of espresso for tiramisu. The recipe takes 10 double shots to create the dessert and so many friends and associates look forward to when the dessert is brought in for a treat. My sister, Rachel, is an expert on making iced Mochas, and she taught me how to make one correctly yesterday. Pour Hershey syrup to a 3 second count, followed up my pouring in a single or double shot of espresso just brewed; stir well; add 3 to 4 cubes of ice; pour in whole milk; stir again; add straw (a pretty pink one); ENJOY! I did. Very tasty. I now have the jitters.

I really LOVED how well Melissa described making a pie shell. Taken partially from Julia Child, whom she credits in the cookbook, everything is prechilled. The crust came out nice, even in my warm kitchen. Having a 2 crust recipe and being able to freeze one crust for future use is always welcome. I have a new banana cream pie recipe to try tomorrow so now I am set.

My baked pictures turned out terrible. All the caffeine from the espresso made my hands shake and I couldn't take a decent picture to save my life. The pie in the kitchen is beautiful so everyone will just have to come over and see for themselves along with trying a slice. I have Vanilla Bean ice cream waiting in the freezer to dollop on top. I might even let you help me weed, of course I will be offering everyone liquid beverages, with or without added adult flavoring =).

Thank you Michelle for your chose...BEAUTIFUL!



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