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A BACKWARDS giveaway and a reminder. . .

Do you have this book, Hello Cupcake? It is such a fun book and a copy is going to Mrs. G at The Givens Chronicles because she won the BACKWARDS {SDRAWKCAB} giveaway!!!

A winner was randomly selected from all of the comments on the blog last week. Congrats, Mrs. G!!!

What do you think? A backwards giveaway might give a chance for some "regulars" to win and also encourage some of you lurkers (I know you're out there!) to come out of the shadows! ;)

Want to be included in another backwards giveaway? Comment away!

For the reminder...we are halfway through the month of September. Have you decided what to make for our Flavor-of-the-Month, John Hughes Edition? (YES!!! Anyone can participate, you don't have to ask.)

Maybe something Pretty in Pink, or a little Breakfast Club? Maybe you're leaving the teenage angst behind and going for a Vacation? What are you thinking?

Me? I'm torn between 16 Candles and Pretty in Pink....

For more info on Flavor-of-the-Month, here's the post explaining the first round. And here is a post with the instructions for linking. Please join in the fun!!!


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