Posted by Trish: Photos by Melissa and Trish
Well, this was a long time coming and I was really looking forward to seeing Lea and Neil again, but for their own wedding! I photographed both of Neil's sisters weddings a while ago and I secretly always hoped that Lea would call me when it was their turn at the alter. So I was excited to hear from Lea when she got engaged and to get the chance to photograph this family one last time!

Lea loves the beach and had a fabulous seaside theme going on.

She really makes a beautiful bride! See what I mean about the veil, it makes you a bride and completes the look!

Neil went out to the garden for a few photos too, but they opted not to see each other before the wedding. Sometimes it works out just as well that way. How adorable is Neil?!

Lea is also an avid collector of sea glass and even has a big bucket in her trunk for her beach finds. You can't go wrong with sea glass! I wish I had thought to wear my seas glass bracelet.

Kids is coming down the isle is always a crap shoot. Some kids bask in the glory of all the people watching them and others freak out. We had a combo here.
I do. Do you? So do I.

Off tot he garden for a few minutes alone...with the photographers and video. We like to be romantic.

At this point the veil had blown off, but Lea was all set with it anyway, kind of long and hard to manage.

More to come...
Location: Castle Hill
Flowers: Sayles Livingston
Gown: Mikaella at East Greenwich Bridal
Hair: Talya from Strandz
Make-Up: Gina from 2Shine
Bridesmaids necklaces: The Green Door, East Greenwich
Cake: Scrumptions
Videographer: Mike Picard
Band: Nancy Paolino and the Black Tie Band