Besides your child's homeroom teacher, let's not forget....
- coach
- music
- Sunday school
- scout leaders
- private lessons
- tutors
- the list goes on and on...
Here are some ideas (click the links for more details):
Number 2 pencil cookies
Kid-decorated cookies. {Kiddo made these for his 1st grade teacher....they are still some of my favorites.}
For a very POPular Teacher cookies....you may remember these from earlier this month. The link to that adorable bag topper is in the post.
Thanks for BEEing a great teacher!
What teacher wouldn't love a bouquet of roses?
Cocktails, anyone? Wait...maybe that's not so appropriate. Teachers can give these to EACH OTHER!
We Are THAT Family (who just happens to be my next-door neighbor) hosts Works For Me Wednesday. Click on over for more tips....and see We Are THAT Family's beautiful new blog makeover!