I have had such a busy week with my Cricut - Cricky and I have shared lots of quality time. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings were spent creating boxes and cards for my co-workers (mostly just the women) for Valentine's Day gifts. I took my BBTB box and card set, simplified the card as well as the box details and created 20 sets!! Finally tonight I got the boxes filled and tied closed. They are all packed in a large longaberger basket ready for work tomorrow.
I had to use a variety of printed cardstock. In the beginning I had only planned to make 8 of the sets. But I bet you know how it is when you think "oh no, Mary's feelings will be hurt!" Or, "Oops, person A and person B are good friends. Better give gifts to both!" So in the end, yes, it was 2o gifts, hence the mix and match cardstock. Fortunately the cardstocks all shared a similar hue of pink.

I think most of my co-workers will like their bags, but next year maybe I will just bake a pan of brownies. This was a lot of work!!!