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Unconditional love - Tilda with puppy

I just love this background stamp from Magnolia-licious ! It's just so much FUN! I used a total of three Magnolia stamps on this card, ...
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Justin & Jody's House

This is my beautiful friend Jody! Yes, that's me taking lots of photos of all the pretty things! FINALLY, here are some photos of my f...
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What's YOUR indispensable baking tool?...Works For Me Wednesday

Today's Works For Me Wednesday is a backwards edition. This means I get to ask you a question! What is your indispensable, essential...
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Pretty Packages

I've mentioned before that I am a complete sucker for packaging, especially when it comes to making wine selections, but it certainly h...
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More From the Weekend and Next Weekend's Plans

So you know, I was thinking on the way home today and it suddenly hit me (insert light bulb here): I am going to be home alone this weekend!...
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Wedding dream team collaboration :: Photo shoot

Whew! Yesterday was fantastic! I had a great time collaborating with some of my favorites (the best!) in the Portland wedding arena for a go...
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snap and chat with Wendy Joblon

Trish and I headed out to South Dartmouth last week to visit the ultra fab Wendy... wedding planner, small business owner, mother of two, w...
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They're Coming!!

It seems I am experiencing a few technical camera/computer problems. I know I said I would post images of my friends house tonight however, ...
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Hello Who, Bunny???

It's Bitten by the Bug Monday and you know what that means.... Time to post this week's challenge. Regina asked the team to use the...
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There has been a bit of buzz around the blogosphere regarding the new website for Louise Fili Ltd. , a firm specializing in the design of re...
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