After the ceremony, we ducked back into the mansion for some "formal" photos. Here is the whole gang, warm and dry. We had the whole house to ourselves, which was nice. Meanwhile, the caterers were breraking down the ceremony and setting up the reception while the guests enjoyed the cocktail hour...
A little snuggling on this fantastic couch...Isn't the bottom of Krista's dress terrific?!

A classic portrait... got to have it!

Now it's time for the party so we head back over to the carriage house where cocktails await!

But first a quick pic outside these fun doors...

Fun, yes... but also very heavy! Darren is ready for a cocktail!

One of the best moments is always when the bride and the groom see their venue decorated for the first time- here Darren and Krista are taking it all in... a sneaky photo by Trish, I love it!

These table arrangements are terrific too, I don't know what these papery "sticks" (for lack of a better word) are called but I think they are really cool.