This was a LONG recipe when you think about the chilling times for the pie crust, making the dough for the cobbler and finishing assembly of the dessert. I did add making Melissa's ice cream, which includes making the ice cream mixture, chilling for 4 hours, making the ice cream in a machine or KA bowl and freezing for 4 hours to overnight. We did not wait till overnight because the ice cream was silky and delicious!
I absolutely adore my Kitchen Aide ice cream bowl. I keep it in the freezer at all times so when I feel like throwing together ice cream, the bowl is already chilled and ready to go. I have made ice cream in an electric mixer for years where the machine takes at least 30 minutes and a LOT of noise is emitted from a tiny motor along with the mess of rock salt, ice water and a mess of ice. 
This little bowl has None of that. Simple, quick, easy, efficient.
For the recipe to this wonderful strawberry rhubarb cobbler pie, please head over to Tracey's site and get the recipe or buy Sweet Melissa's Baking Book.
I loved the flavors and the biscuits on top were a fun addition. When I was done assembling all 3 parts, I sat back and just looked at the dessert before putting the cobbler pie in the oven. You get this feeling of pride that you finished it and the dessert really looks pretty.