After one of the most stressful and exhausting weeks ever, I took part of the weekend off. This was one of my first days off work in what has seemed like forever. I'm normally working 7 days a week, but on Saturday, Matt and I went to the
Oregon Gardens for Earth Day, went shopping a little bit and on Sunday, we hiked around
Silver Falls State Park (I love the whole Silverton, OR area) and then we met with my parents and my sis and her husband to celebrate my mom's birthday at CPK. After that, Matt and I found some good books at Barnes and Noble and headed home. It's nice to have a little break once and a while. Here was my Saturday outfit:

Anthropologie Blacklight BlouseJeans: Paige Premium off Gilt Groupe
Shoes: Rosegold off Gilt Groupe
My hair is finally getting longer again after cutting it at the end of September. I'm growing it long again. Short was fun and sooo much easier, but I like a little more versatility. Growing....

Fortunately, I hail from a family of fast growing hair so it's growing fast, which is good for my impatient nature.