I don't think U .N. Security Council, who established a Yes Siege Zone on Gaza may Establish a “No Fly Zone” over Gaza. Why not establish a FREE SAIL ZONE.
I can't forget the No Fly Zon on Iraq , the stupidity of calling Nato to impose a No Fly zone on Libya.
In case it happened, I am afraid it will be nothing more an umbrailla for target killings, legalizing the siege, and at the end turing Gaza into a NO RESISTANCE ZONE.
Uprooted Palestinian
April 28, 2011 posted by Anthony Lawson
I can't forget the No Fly Zon on Iraq , the stupidity of calling Nato to impose a No Fly zone on Libya.
In case it happened, I am afraid it will be nothing more an umbrailla for target killings, legalizing the siege, and at the end turing Gaza into a NO RESISTANCE ZONE.
Uprooted Palestinian
April 28, 2011 posted by Anthony Lawson
No-Fly Zone over Gaza — Petition
Video Produced by : Anthony LawsonPetition Written by : Dr. Mohamed Khodr
Song and Music by : Michael Heart
To: U.N. General Secretary and U.N. Security Council
Petition to the United Nations Secretary General and Members of the U.N. Security Council to Establish a “No Fly Zone” over Gaza under the Principle and Norm of the “Responsibility to Protect”To Be Presented to the Honorable U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and the Honorable Ambassadors of the U.N. Security Council.
“The United Nations, whose membership comprises almost all the states in the world, is founded on the principle of the equal worth of every human being.”
–Kofi Annan, Former Secretary General of the United Nations
No issue in modern history has endured more words, more speeches, more conferences, more peace initiatives, more promises, and more photo-ops, than Israel’s 44 year illegal occupation of over 3 million Palestinians.
World Governments and International Bodies have failed to bring an end to this occupation and establish a free, independent Palestinian State for refugees in their own land.Thus it is up to us, you and me, people from around the world to stand up and demand an end to this illegal occupation that has thus far paralyzed and humiliated the world, our humanity, and what we all believe in, justice for all.
Signing is the simplest activism for justice for the Palestinians. Let your name and signature be the weapon for peace and justice for the Palestinians and peace and security for the Israeli people. A free Palestine means a secure Israel.
Thank you.
Please sign this Petition now, tomorrow may be too late for someone:
Anthony Lawson (known professionally as Tony Lawson) is a retired international-prize-winning commercials director, cameraman, ad agency creative director and voice over. He used to be known for shooting humorous commercials, but doesn’t find much to laugh about, with the way the world is going, these days.Read Full Bio
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River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian
- In case you missed it: Iraqization Libya: Arab League Resign and invite UN to Impose No-Fly Zone over Libya, USA WELCOMES
River to Sea