I decided that I wanted to participate in this fun food challenge. Oh but have I set the bar high for myself! My comfort food is. . .drum roll. . .Hamburger Gravy and Mashed Potatoes with Sweet Corn.
Problem: I have never gone by a recipe, just by taste and sight. I had no idea how much of anything that I put into this recipe.
2nd Problem: My work is nuts and I have only 3 hours of home life before going to bed and starting over plus I have no idea if I am under the wire or not for this challenge.
Well, I am going to post anyways and hope I have not upset our wonderful host, Meeta. Meeta, I apoligize and I am still trying to get the hang of posting and joining these fun cooking challenges =D.
Creamy, Buttery, Mashed Potatoes
5 pounds Yukon Gold Potatoes
1/2 c. unsalted butter
4 ounces Cream Cheese
salt to taste
Potatoes Ready to Be
Quarter potatoes and put into a large, heavy pot. Fill pot with water till there is at least an inch of water over the potatoes. Sprinkle a pinch of salt into water. Bring water to boil and continue for about 40 minutes or until the potatoes no longer feel crunchy with jabbed with a fork.
Drain water from potatoes and return to stove for 30 seconds and continue to toss potatoes in pan over heat to finish drying them. Remove from heat and put into a mixer bowl. Add 1/2 c. of butter that is already cut into 1-inch cubes along with the 4 ounces of cream cheese. Use the wire whip utensil on mixer and mix at low speed for 30 seconds. Scrape bowl down with spatula and put mixer on medium speed and whip for 1 to 2 minutes or until there are no lumps. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. Now, put foil over bowl to keep mashed potatoes warm until ready to serve.
Hamburger Gravy
2 pounds of hamburger
2 T. cornstarch
1 1/2 t. Instant Bouillon Beef Granules
1 1/4 t. granulated or powdered garlic
3 c. Light Cream or Milk, divided
2 t. Worcestshire sauce
1/2 t. Maggi seasoning or liquid gravy seasoning
salt to taste
freshly ground pepper to taste
Brown the ground beef over medium-high heat until there is no more pink.
While the beef is browning, mix the gravy thickening ingredients in a medium size bowl. First, mix together cornstarch, instant beef bouillon granules, and garlic. Add 1/4 cup of the light cream or milk to the dry ingredients and mix well so that there are no lumps. Everything is fully dissolved. Add worcestshire sauce and gravy seasoning. Mix well.
After hamburger is fully cooked, add 2 cups of light cream and stir. Now, add your cornstarch mixture to the hamburger and cream and stir together. Rinse rest of gravy cornstarch thickener in bowl by adding the last 3/4 c. of light cream and swish in bowl then pour into hamburger gravy.
Cook gravy over medium-high heat till gravy thickens, about 10 minutes, stirring often. Lower heat and add more milk if gravy becomes to thick. At this time, add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
Putting Dish Together:
Putting Dish Together:
Put a large scoop of mashed potatoes on plate. Smother with butter and make a wide well in the center for gravy.
Add a large scoop or two of hamburger gravy and watch the melted butter from beneath ooze out from under the gravy. Place a helping of steamed corn to the side. Enjoy! =D

My Mom used to make this when I was a little girl and she used to have this made for her when she was a little girl. Total Comfort Food! =D