I am not computer literate yet! BUT I am totally willing to flounder along till I get it! I want to share my ideas and invite others to compare, dish, or just ad lib to what I am trying to say. . . you know what I mean? I *love* to try testing new and harder recipes. Right now I sooooo want to try and make homemade croissants with a chocolate hazelnut filling and white chocolate drizzled on top. I know I can do it. I also have seen the daring baker's website and fell in love with the idea of jumping in and having fun. I have to be honest though. I have been known to start a project totally over my head, find myself staying up till 3 a.m. after working 14 hours non-stop, to make a baking project turn out. I end up with an aching back, feet and a headache. My husband is usually sound asleep. . .snoring like a chainsaw. . .which makes my eye twitch and I now want to stuff a VERY large pillow in his mouth. By this point, I am already freaking. The end result will be pride - after I get sleep, of course. When I wake up, I will take pictures. . .maybe. The proud moment is the first taste and the hopes that it will be perfect. I have been known to make something that makes my dogs ears droop at the sight but the flavor is heaven. Yea, I know, baking is suppose to cover all the senses like sight, smell and taste but my learning only gets to come from cookbooks, recipes from friends, the internet and ideas that I come up with but have no *idea* how to accomplish.