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It's Happy New Years Eve. . .Yes!

Sizzle Sprinkled with Flavor Don't you just love to hear sizzling in the morning when you know that breakfast is close behind? Don'...
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New Year's Eve Tiara cookies

Don't you just love wearing those "Happy New Year" tiaras? I always have. Here's a cookie to match! Using a #3 tip and wh...
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LeeAnn's Gingerbread Cookies: Cookie Exchange!

I love everything about these cookies....the squiggles, the eyes, the ribbon and the way the sunlight is streaming in on them. Thanks, Lee...
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Daring Baker Challenge. . .A New Christmas Tradition!!!

HO. . .HO. . .HO. . . MERRY CHRISTMAS! New Christmas Tradition. . .The Yule LOG =D Well, I have to say that Ivonne and Lisa are wonderful a...
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Flood Icing

Flood icing is simply royal icing with water added to make a consistency to "flood" or fill in the outlined design. It's best ...
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One more!

During my last batch of cookies :), I started running low on dark green icing, so I switched up the colors and really liked the outcome. Thi...
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More Christmas baking...

The second batch needed dots... I don't know why, but I love seeing them all stacked together like this. Today I tried a new way to ap...
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Seeing red

Red icing is probably the most difficult to make. I love AmeriColor's Super Red gel paste coloring! It doesn't take as much to get a...
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Sparkly Christmas Presents

The picture doesn't do justice to the sanding is so sparkly! I've always used "sparkling sugar", but could onl...
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It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Here's a peek at a little Christmas baking... ...waiting for sparkling sugar tomorrow morning....
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Oh, deer!

To make this sweet little deer: In dark brown icing, outline the deer with a #2 tip. Be sure to close off the tail separate from the body. ...
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Red Velvet Cake

I have always loved the idea of baking a red velvet cake. The cake is cheerful looking and decadent all at the same time. Not only that b...
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Scenes from a bakery supply store

I know this has nothing to do with cookie decorating, but I couldn't resist posting a picture of the "MEN" drawer at the bake...
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Smoked Salmon Salad With Raspberry Vinaigrette

Living in the state of Washington, along the coast, I have an abundance of choices for seafood and, unforetunately, I do not always cook fre...
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Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

I am so dusting off my treadmill tomorrow. I have been baking for several days again and now I am on the pasta kick. I love homemade pasta...
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Chocolate Pecan Pie with Caramel Sauce and Powdered Sugar

I absolutely love pecan pie and I know that it is a generalization that women naturally love chocolate. . .but this is not always true. . .I...
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